
Power and control will NEVER out weigh love – Jada Pinkett Smith


Today I decided to share this line across my groups and  asked …

Are we trying to sort something with power…
Or control. ..

Today lets look with the eyes of love…

Love doesn’t mean you are meek…
You allow everything..
You be a doormat..

Please share in your own way how
love can empower …
What love means to you…
How you can use it as a strength

oh please do read the replies they made my day!

10 thoughts on “Love

  1. Right from childhood we’ve been warned that society will forever try to find the black spot on the white sheets of our life.

    And now that we’ve grown up, we follow suite in our quest of finding peoples’ weaknesses.

    By far, love is the only feeling which makes us see beyond the weaknesses and limitations of the one we love. It doesn’t matter anymore that at times the black spots are so overbearing that it hurts our very being, our self respect. But we still love, we still go on. It’s like a superpower that makes us stronger than we could ever be.

    We’ve always heard a number of times that love is blind. To this I would say that yes, love is very much blind……..because it prevents us from seeing the dark negative and ugly side and empowers us to keep searching for the brighter positive lining. The society considers this as love’s greatest weakness as it makes us lose power and control over our goals. But in my view, it is the strength of love, this sense of ecstasy and selflessness, that spreads peace harmony and happiness throughout the world.

    But alas, such unconditional true love is hard to come by. More often than not what we find in our quest for love is lust, passion or obsession. Feelings that give us the impression that we are all powerful. But in fact they are our own weaknesses disguised as love. Beware of such feelings because they are in fact the cause of unrest and hatred in our beautiful world.

    We don’t have to look too far beyond to find such true love. It exists all around us in the simplest of gestures that we fail to recognise and acknowledge.

    The tears in a mother’s eyes when she holds her baby for the first time…..
    The pride of a father who sees his baby take the first step and hears his first words……
    The friend you knows from the tone of your voice that things are not okay……..
    The roadside urchin who shares his food with the stray dog……
    If this isn’t love in its purest form then what else is.
    Love is everywhere. It’s in the air. We need to open our hearts and not our eyes to find it. It is what makes us feel precious and desirable. It gives us the power to be selfless. Every instance of love makes us feel ecstatic, it makes us forget our alter egos. Love needs nothing but love in return. So nurture it and don’t let it die. Only if we keep the fire of love burning in our hearts, will the fire of hatred power and obsession, that is burning the world all around us, be extinguished.
    All that we need is little bit of love in our hearts and we’ll all be superpowers in ourselves.


  2. North Pole & South Pole, as apart as they may seem, they share moments or rather should i say they live moments closely shared than any other statics on land. The sky seems to evolve every six months gifting them their own tiny pieces of infinite universe, once every eternity they swap places, exchanging souls & identities they loved, without questions & without doubts, because they know what they share is not just special but alive in their faith to meet in moments, no matter standing how far!

    For me love is that filled in moments, cherished even at distance & felt in heart no matter where you belong!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love for me has no barrs..when you actually love someone you create a world around him where there is no entry for arrogance ego demand choice or the most thought about quote “log kya kahenge”.love is a feeling unexpressed coz when expressed can only be understood by someone who is in love.
    A person in love is a little weird too 😄 people call him crazy and if you have been tagged the same means to actually are in love, love with yourself, profession, family, or whatever. ….
    Life gives you a lot of chances to go crazy “choice is ours”😊. Love is unconditional. This is one part of love.
    The other part is –
    If one loves u with conditions than that love is not true love. Love shouldn’t be so blind that u cannot see the reality. Love means sacrifice, commitment, expectance.

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